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James Blackstone Memorial Library

TITLE: James Blackstone Memorial Library On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Blackstone Memorial Library, its Trustees elected to restore and add on to this exceptional Solon Spencer Beman Neo-Classical Revival building. Every pipe, wire, and duct in was...

Yale University Wrexham Tower

TITLE: Yale University Wrexham Tower BUDGET: $1,63 Million DATE: 1999- 2002 Exterior restoration of century old, Gothic Revival masonry tower. Additional Photos: Let's start the conversation. Name Email Company Phone Message Submit Phone(203) 488-7264 Fax(203)...

Yale University Peabody Museum

TITLE: Yale University Peabody Museum BUDGET: $18 Million Major building systems rehabilitation/replacement; installation of a new lecture hall at Peabody’s Klein facility; installation of the Peabody Crustaceous Garden; exterior renovation/ historic restoration...

Yale University Davenport Pierson Colleges

TITLE: Yale University Davenport Pierson Colleges BUDGET: $4 Million Miscellaneous interior renovations throughout the student suites (windows, doors, flooring, painting, lighting fixtures etc.) in addition to exterior repairs (resetting of bricks, & masonry...

Yale University JW Gibbs Laboratory

TITLE: Yale University JW Gibbs Laboratory BUDGET: $3.4 Million Let's start the conversation. Name Email Company Phone Message Submit Phone(203) 488-7264 Fax(203) 481-5764 Main Office221 Montowese St.PO Box 802Branford, CT...

Sterling Memorial and Cross Campus Libraries

TITLE: Sterling Memorial and Cross Campus Libraries DATE: 2009 James Gamble Rogers was the original architect of the 441,651 sf Sterling Memorial Library. It is a Modern Gothic building of seam-faced granite, Briar Hill sandstone, Aquia freestone, and Indiana...