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School Ground Road Bridge Replacement – 3 Sided Box Culvert

TITLE: Three-Sided Box Culvert Bridge BUDGET: $3.1 million Re-construction of Three-Sided Box Culvert Bridge over Branford River at School Ground Road. Let's start the conversation. Name Email Company Phone Message Submit Phone(203) 488-7264 Fax(203) 481-5764...

UCONN North Eagleville Road

TITLE: UCONN North Eagleville Road BUDGET: $4.8 Million DATE: 2015-2016 Construction of underground utilities including steam and condensate return, sanitary and storm sewers, sanitary sewer force main, water main, electrical and telecommunication duct banks, and...

Yale University Hendrie Hall (Adams Center)

TITLE: Yale University Hendrie Hall (Adams Center) BUDGET: $2.5 Million DATE: 2015-2016 Sitework: 30 ft deep foundation excavation with drilled pile soldier beam and lagging earth retention system, and mini piles/ contaminated dewatering system/ new infrastructure...