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TITLE: John Daniels Pre-K-8

BUDGET: $26.3 Million

DATE: 2004-2006

The administration and students of the Prince Street and Welch Annex schools had long struggled to manage education in severely deficient facilities before the City of New Haven chose to amalgamate them into one program housed in a state-of-the-art school. Constructed of masonry with repetitive punched windows, this new facility fits into the context of its neighborhood comfortably, and will accommodate the educational needs of the anticipated student population for decades. The protective façade wraps around a glass enclosed courtyard. The visual and acting “focal point” of the school, this courtyard is used for both education and recreation, maximizes solar heat and natural light gain, and provides enhanced security for outdoor activities. This is a tight envelope building project meeting strict air change and blower door testing requirements that also utilizes many sustainable materials and systems such as low-e insulated glass windows. The project meets State of Connecticut High Performance Building Guidelines.

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221 Montowese St.
PO Box 802
Branford, CT 06405